Needing more prosperity and flow? Green Jade Power Bracelets bring abundance and harmony to your business and personal relationships. Wear one to embody more joy and vitality.
Feel the embrace of unconditional love with Rose Quartz Power Bracelets! Slip one on your wrist and feel your Heart Chakra open to more love, compassion and forgiveness.
Looking to keep negativity away, but with extra style? These Evil Eye Bracelets with CZ Beads give you the power of the Evil Eye with a little extra bling!
Feeling disconnected from your sensuality, motivation or passion for life? Wear Carnelian Power Bracelets to reconnect to your creative fire and embody more confidence.
Fluorite Power Bracelets enhance your mental abilities and are perfect for study or analytical work! Wear one when you need to quiet your mind, focus and retain information.
These powerful gems support emotional resilience and integrate positive change. The 1.0 cm Unakite stones help you cut bad habits or release emotional wounds.