Beverly Trousdale

Beverly Trousdale


photo of Beverly Trousdale

About the Consultations

A native of Missouri, Reverend Trousdale has been a deep part of the Metaphysical Community in St. Louis for more than 40 years, and she recently expanded her practice into Columbia, MO, and parts of Texas. In the early days of the Community in St. Louis, Beverly was a reader at Mystic Valley Book Store and a regular part of the large psychic fair circuit of George Green's Midwest-based Bandwagon, Inc and Faith Ann Robinson's National Fair Circuit. She was a regular on the syndicated cable TV program "Ruth William's Pathways to Astrology" and has lectured at Southeast Missouri State University, Barnes Hospital in St Louis, and many private organizations in Missouri.


Beverly is a certified Hypnotist, Reiki Practitioner, Silva Mind Graduate, and an ordained Minister. As a Holistic Life Coach, teacher of Meditative Practices, reader of Tarot, Reiki Energy Healer, and Light Worker, she works with her clients on 3 levels: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT. BODY, or physical level, means working with what is happening in the client's physical world; gaining awareness of what is happening within the reality of their life experience. “I teach my clients how to create their own realities.” MIND, or thought level, Beverly teaches clients to come into awareness of their underlying limiting belief systems. To overcome the energies that are manifesting negatively in their lives. She teaches her clients to move beyond these limiting beliefs to incorporate positive thoughts, beliefs, and actions that are better aligned with their goals and desires. “I assist my clients in ways of Living within the flow of the Law of Attraction.” SPIRIT, or subconscious level, teaches clients to allow awareness of life in a co-creative Universe of The Higher Power and to allow them to consciously connect with that Divine Center. “I encourage my clients to develop a regular spiritual practice that feels right for them.”


Please keep in mind that the answers you seek are inside of you. We are simply personal guides to help you discover your own inner wisdom. Remember, the choices you make at any given moment can lead to wonderful new paths opening in your life.


Prescriptive Tarot/Channeling

A Prescriptive Tarot Reading will assess your circumstance or inquiry and offer action recommended by your own Wisdom Keepers, Guides and Ancestors. A short consultation of 15 to 30 minutes can offer clarity and insight. Many times, guidance will be given to share real world tools to help overcome the challenge you may be working on. Longer consultations may be arranged if needed.

Mindfulness Meditation Mentorship One-on-One Sessions

Short term help becoming your “integrated self“ with One-on-One guidance to achieve deeper, more effective meditations through in-person guided meditation sessions. Our work will guide you into learning to access your own inner point of personal power. The goal is to become aligned with your truest self. A consultation can begin to open your mind to awareness that can help you find your own healing, insights and direction and to begin to develop a stronger connection with your authentic self.



  • 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays 12:30pm-4:30pm
  • 1st, 4th and 5th Fridays 12:30pm-4:30pm


Prescriptive Tarot/Channeling

15 minutes = $45

30 minutes = $80

60 minutes = $170

Mindfulness Meditation One-on-One Session

45 minutes = $80

Personalized Mindfulness Meditation One-on-One Session

45 minutes = $100